An idea and design


The Italian design studio Design Odyssey is responsible for the design and its implementation in Dragonfly

Its authors and ideological inspirers Danil Kuzvesov and Yulia Shvidkaya have 20 years of experience in the field of design. Danil is a motorcyclist himself, he has ridden thousands of kilometers on enduro in Russia, Italy, Mongolia and other countries.
Knowledge of the topic and checking equipment on personal experience as well as communication with other motorcyclists help Danil & Yulia to choose the right materials and think through convenient functionality.
Dragonfly is a leading Russian equipment and clothing manufacturer for modern dynamic sports and outdoor activities
Exclusive rights to all results of intellectual activity and (or) equivalent means of individualization (including, but not limited to, product designs, logos, trademarks, industrial uses) Dragonfly LLC transport
Russian Federation, 620039
Yekaterinburg, Artinskaya 12 B lit. A
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